TopIT Cannabis Agency

Custom Packaging & Logo Creation for Cannabis Businesses

Cannabis packaging and logo creation are relatively young addition to the custom packaging and logo creation segment. A change in the state and country regulations in the USA has prompted sellers to participate in this highly lucrative industry with medicinal, therapeutic and recreational products. However, business owners need to adhere to various responsible practices when it comes to CBD or THC products. The cannabis branding styles need to follow regulated branding and packaging compliance for market acceptability.

How to design a package for your cannabis brand?

The cannabis industry holds a challenged reputation and breaking through the preconceived notions of products that incite addiction and beyond control effects, are strong prejudice that needs to be overcome. Therefore, the product logo, as well as the custom package, needs to communicate safety and secure product outcomes upon consumption. Insight from medical research has effectively highlighted the therapeutic benefits of cannabis bringing positive curiosity and awareness amongst users.

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Brand building initiatives

Realizing the benefits of cannabis users suffering from medical issues such as pain, anxiety and stress find great benefits from CBD products.


For start-up brands, it is encouraging to know that in 2020 alone cannabis sales upped by 67%, the industry is highly valuable at over USD 61 billion. An average of 21% of Americans are CBD users today. Therefore, branding is an important consideration to take your cannabis product to your users.


With a rapid acceptance of cannabis products by the US state law on recreational marijuana, THC and CBD products have made a significant influence on the market. The valued products demand dependable packaging garnering trust and reliability at a first impression.


The designs should cleverly reflect symmetrical logo maintaining solid color palettes that translate to a strong brand value offering authentic and reliable visual appearance. Shapes and structures on the package will convey their boldness maintaining its value for users.

Packaging cannabis products

When is selling CBD oil the packaging concerns are focused on the glass bottle with a dropper and the package that will cover the glass bottle.CBD oil is used by those suffering from some physical anxiety and are mostly locally applied. The package needs to gravitate responsibility of the product through its scheme of color logo and fonts.

When packaging for gummies the bottle that holds your gummies should be one that can withstand rough handling. Gummies are the most fetched CBD product, and you can either sell them in paper-wrapped packages or high-quality plastic containers. The labels and designs must attract enough attention to beat your competitors.
We help in fully designing and labelling the packages that you either sell through retail stores or online. We ensure that the designs command an impressive look and without even reading the product description customers are tempted to consider buying your products.

Not just limiting our product designs to one packaging type we expand to alternative packaging options from pouches to lightweight and eco-friendly durable packaging types. We believe in minimalistic designs on packages and differentiating products with colors that exude elegance.

Why TopIT Cannabis can be trusted with your logo and package designs?

Packages and logos designed by us have helped companies in positioning their products with trust and support from users. Our package designs are used by CBD manufacturers across the country.

Minimalistic packaging style

We emphasize styles that display the quality of the product and are not cluttered with any other diversion. Helping the audience to focus on product efficiency and quality, the package design only gravitates attraction at the preliminary level.

Branding that boost

The market is flooded with many cannabis products and creating a difference through designs is not an easy task. However, understanding the quality of the brand and the effectiveness of the product our designers create a simplistic difference that appeals to users.

High end and luxury cannabis branding

Every brand is unique, and every product is poised to create its place in the market. Creating the brand logo and design by matching the personality of the product and the demography it is meant for demands extensive research and reflection which designing innovation easily demonstrates.

Sustainable branding and packaging

The product is completely organic and in keeping with that view, your hemp, cannabis, weed or CBD product design is based on sustainable and environmental factors. Demonstrating natural textures and using natural packaging material we try to preserve and amplify a unique packaging statement.

Revamp Your Cannabis Brand with Captivating Package Designs!

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